Saturday, August 05, 2006

'pon de replay

If you don't know who Desmond Dekker is, you are seriously missing out musically. Before Bob Marley, there was Desmond.
Check the links below...


reverb said...

...hey I like Desmond dekker!

reverb said...

...and its really difficult to find Dd CD s
the ones with the oldest songs, but not comp, cause only has a few old tunes..

I love the ol e valve amp sound
also early B Marley has this warm 2 tracks sound. perfect for my ears

I have a Fender valve amp, and a couple hours after you start to play, well the warm of the tubes is...perfect sound

Rob?royal said...

hey reverb,

that fuzzy sound you are talking about is what some friends of mine kill to reproduce. certainly gives live music a different feel.

thanks for the comments!


Patch said...

Sad that we lost him but his music is around forever.