Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My New Favourite Quote

"Damn. That thing's about as "retro" as next week. "


Anonymous said...

This blog is really inspiring. But you need to update it more. I check it when I'm trying to get up the motivation to do my work. Seeing your passion come to life gives me the extra oomph I need to get to my own things.

Consider writing here a service to all creative types who are following their dreams. As you know, it's a long, frustrating road. Talent takes you far, but determination and focus gets you there. I see your focus and determination and it revives me.

That and surfing blogs.

Peace, love and all of that.

Rob?royal said...

sorry for the low content,

just been busy with 'real' life lately...

thanks for your comments, i really appreciate the feedback. glad to hear i'm not the only crazy one out there that fills time at work with (blog) surfing...


6ftnperfect said...

I never blog at work