Tuesday, March 31, 2009

whew..busy day

3 big fish shapes, and glossing....time for a brew...


reverb said...

...looks with more detail attention than others
also the color work is very good and somewhat original

Rob?royal said...

wow, reverb, that is one hell of a compliment coming from you....


jefferson lopes said...

Hey Rob,

It looks you're reaching a masters on beautiful boards. Very clean and meaningful painting. Good job brah!

6ftnperfect said...

very cool! Is that paint or resin color? Either way I like it. Three boards in one day - good job!

paulo jacinto said...

Uau !!! Bonitos templates...
Abraço from Portugal.

Rob?royal said...

hey thanks everyone!

clay, that's resin in the lam on the 2 tone, I just polished it, so will post some pictures soon


muito obrigado irmao. Apprendir eu preciso fazer...lol

O maestro viva! saudade, amigo. Vamos surfar alum dia de novo...